We’re very excited that the Hatchfund crowdfunding campaign was a success and want to thank everyone who offered support during the process, financial and otherwise!
Because it was successful, Hatchfund is going to keep the campaign open for an additional 30 days for other donors to join in. So you can still give—every dollar will go towards the film, as the costs for both production and post-production will exceed what we’ve raised so far.
The campaign was fantastic not only for helping us raise some of the money we need for the project, but also in helping to spread the word about it. If you haven’t had a chance to see the press that we got, we’ve posted a round-up of all the press.
Just two days after the campaign ended we headed over to the WOW Cafe Theatre to do a follow-up shoot there with Maria Bauman and Micia Mosely, who brought their insight, personal connection, and thoughtful reflections to the project, plus their humor! You can see a tiny unedited outtake from our interview with them below – the act of clapping at the start of each take took on a life of its own between these two close friends.
Video: (left to right) Maria Bauman and Micia Mosely – Camera: Jeanette Sears
And below are still images of the 12 different members of the WOW Collective that we interviewed there in May.
The WOW Collective is comprised of thousands of people who have participated in the space over it’s 34 year history in a variety of ways. These 12 individuals represent a tiny snapshot of some of the people participating in the collective at the time when we came to film, some of whom were brand new to the space, some of whom had been with it for decades.
WOW is a non-hierarchical collective of women and trans* artists, with a strong lesbian & queer legacy. Some collective members participate just once or twice, while others have participated since the 1980s. Learn more about WOW on their website.